
[matpage] This is a support site for Matrix Graphics Cards for Atari computers

Creating offshore platforms in XPlane flight simulator

My model train stuff

Louis Holleman was a former radio-officer in the Dutch merchant navy. Tales from the past.... (in Dutch, however)

Yes, once I operated illegally in the Citizens Band, or 27 Mc. Also in Dutch

Also in Dutch: mijn periode op het Gemeentelijk Lyceum Rijswijk, 1960-1965


These pages are being maintained at intervals; we apologize for inconveniences...

For suggestions, comments or even flames: just send us E-mail !

[Send e-mail]

This is NOT a support site, but we offer the following Atari related

Filename Size Description
SOFTPC.LZH 210.520 SOFT-PC 1.4 alpha 05 - PC Emulator for TT and Falcon. You need DOS as well...
INSIGNIA.ZIP 12.431 Get your Soft-PC's FSA-drive going with these files
SOFTDISK.ZIP 8.780 Soft-PC empty 1 meg hard disk file to get you going
THIN127N.ZIP 34.268 Dutch resources for Thing 1.27, by Godfried Cobben
A321-USA.ZIP +/- 7.5 kb Undocumented facilities in the Airbus-320/USA version. Unless you're an explorer you'll never know about them, so I made them public... Updated Sep. 10, 1998

This page is best viewed by NOT using Internet Explorer !

A few notes on this one: back in the late 80's and early 90's I worked on Atari computers (I only switched to Intel/MS machines in 1998). This very page originated back in 1990-1992. Internet was new, the web was brandnew and how do you create a homepage? Back in those years there were no Frontpage, Dreamweaver or whatever html-editors. You simply looked at the source code of existing pages and tried. The fat Unix bible provided me with a few basic html-tags to create tables and more stuff. Simply forget an "untag" somewhere and the page got screwed... Internet set-up was not for dummies in those days, installing the TCP/IP stack with correct values in your OS took some time. Setting up a decent email program with a working configuration took half a day. Downloading a 300kB file took 10 minutes on my 2400 baud modem. Oh boy, things have changed a lot. Except for this initial homepage!

Page revised 09.02.2011